Friday, January 2, 2009

"New Years Day" fun/tragedy

Ah, we decided to go up to the Snow on New Years Day, an annual trip for the past several years, Steven and Matthew didn't go this time.. We hadn't been there very long when to sixteen year old girls went up high on the slope and came down. The first, a sister, almost plowed into a small child, two or three years old. Down and out of control... Without listening, the second girl came down and hit a bump flying into the air and coming down upon her head. It was obvious that she had sustained a concussion. Some people there tried to get her up but I knew she was not going anywhere. When I got to her, she was conscious, but unaware of her surroundings, with the eyes staring to one side indicative of a head injury. I held her for almost an hour on the freezing ground using neck and spine stabilization awaiting the Paramedics. Finally after about forty-five minutes they showed up.. but without some of the equipment I had asked for.
I talked to her most of the time, she was scared and I told her she would be alright and what and why I was doing what I was doing. Her name was Brittney, like the (alleged)actor/singer. She was beautiful, and reminded me of my College fiance. They took her off the mountain and to the awaiting Helicopter to the Trauma center. I didn't see or read any news about the incident that day or today..
Taylor L. included her to our surprise in the evening family prayer..
All in all we had a great day... the mountain was packed, it was a long quiet ride home.... We decided not to stop at the property this year... The video's are on myspace.

It's going to be a different year...

1 comment:

Jared V said...

Scary moment huh? Good thing you were there and acted quickly. I always find it alarming how few of us there are that have a basic understanding of first aid. At the very least you helped her from further injury and we can only hope that no news is good news in this case.