Friday, February 18, 2011

"Forced R & R"


               I finally had to have a "Come to Jesus" talk with Sandi this week.  It seems she is simply working at the restaurant and sleeping.  I haven't minded being the Mr. Mom during my Health recovery months and look forward to going back to work full time but It seemed as if we never saw each other only in passing.  It was even starting to take it's toll on Taylor.  Even cool Dad can't make up for mommy time. 
So I took Sandi out to the Golf course and to lunch today.  It was her day off and with Aunt Lauren's funeral tomorrow, I felt she need some well earned Rest and Relaxation.  We came home ate a huge pizza and waited for family to arrive.  We spent time watching movies tonight and setting up the bedrooms for the rest of the family.
It was a fun day....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice back swing Major! I'm glad you had a good time, you need it. There will be alot more of that ahead of you...