Sunday, June 12, 2011

Taylor's Elementary Graduation!

Taylor graduated from Elementary School last week. We were both able to attend. Taylor had received an invitation to the Graduation, meaning that she was to receive awards. It was interesting to see the parents that didn't attend because their children were not receiving awards. We bought Taylor a new outfit and Mom curled her hair. We were excited as Taylor stayed on the Honor rolls for K through 5th grades. She was always standing out in her academics, Student Council, G.A.T.E. and all her other activities. We are so proud of her. It was hard for me as it was the one year anniversary of my phone call from my Doctor with the shocking diagnosis. Never the less, after waiting for a her class (the last one of course) to get awards, I cautiously moved to an area where I could get pictures. Sandi and I were both shocked to see her name not called and not be able to go up and receive any awards, though we knew she was to receive them.

This is one of those times when even "Superman" Dad can't do anything. Unfortunately there are no "Do Overs" in school graduations. I felt a little confused and silly moving closer to get pictures, all for not. The office told us after Sandi called that it was an over sight. It was difficult for me to sit and watch her anxiously awaiting her name to be called only to not have it called. Sandi said she was crying after school and on the way home. She went straight to her room in tears as if she had disappointed us. It was one of those times that I had to give the old 'Daughter/Father' talk. All was good once I explained that she had nothing and no one to prove anything to but herself. We went out and had a great evening celebration.
She was definitely an over achiever all these years. We were so blessed to get the variance to the school. It is important for students to go to the same schools throughout, I was fortunate that way, even though Sandi was an Airforce Brat, she excelled in school and college as well.
We listed all her certificates and a few we left out as to not brag!

Tayor, you go into Jr. High School next year! Upwards and onwards, I say. We love you and are so proud of you. God Bless you!

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