Sunday, January 2, 2011

MADB sequel

It's no doubt by now that the proprietor at MADB is aware that his games, and bias attitude doesn't work here in the real world. I have already predicted changes in the MADB format. This is what is refered as a "shot across the bow!" Always remember who your messing with in this life! I'll give it a few more months and around the end of Summer I'll give him a little reminder! Perhaps, Nemesis enjoys having to get new servers several times a year. But wait! I will have about four different agencys investigating the equipment Allen is using at MADB. This should prove to be interesting! If you follow my blog, check in the MADB around the first of August 2011. We will mix it up again for the forum perhaps shut it down for a week! If that doesn't work then we can get much harsher! Then perhaps we will see a hightened level of ethics, standards and Morals when it pertains to the MADB.

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