Tuesday, February 3, 2009

nObama's Continued follies

I think I can see the "Change" nObama was promising more and more each day. Instead of guessing who the corrupt people like the "Messiah" are, we are actually seeing it daily... Perhaps a wake up call for America? It may be too late. All I hear is gloom and doom from the "Messiah" nObama. Perhaps he's predicting his own failed presidency? It the Marionette becoming too overwhelmed by his handlers ???
Now America can see the Black and White (pardon the pun) of true citizens and those who would attempt to fool us. Even in our own Church we are seeing the true believers and the those joining for the free handouts..
It's fun to sit back and see the bilge seep up from the cesspools of the politicians characters and personalities. It's obvious this fraud is in way over his head. The question is how long will true Americans allow it to go on??? Or maybe do I have to pay my taxes???

God Bless America...

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