Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"My Dad"

                I came home one night, Sandi and Taylor had come and gone to a church function, achievement day I believe.  We have a special Calendar we bought for Taylor.  It's her job to remind me to change it monthly.  She is meticulous about crossing off the days, and keeping track of events.  October was a particularly difficult month for me.  All I remember is that my treatments took six days instead of the usual three, then I came down with Bronchitis but fortunately a mild case.  In my old age, I have become quiet and introverted over the past 18 years or so.  No one really knows how I feel about much.  Taylor could sense that I was having a tough time last month and whenever she would ask if I was okay, (which is usually every hour) I would tell her "just fine"...   She would just say "it's because you were a Marine, right?"  I usually would just smile.
This particular night, as I walked by the Calendar, I couldn't help but notice what she had written on the picture...  We are so blessed to have this little angel....  Thank you Taylor.... Dad !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay now you've got me crying. This was very touching